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We are Loads of Time


Our mission is to give

families time by 

making laundry better

Laundry Today Is Expensive
And Time Consuming

We started Loads of Time with a simple thought. Could we figure out a way to eliminate the tradeoff between clean clothes and affording the cost and time to do the laundry?


After several brainstorming sessions we came up with an idea. Could we solve the problem by helping non-profit organizations add a laundry service in their locations and for their members?


The idea then started to take shape. By putting a laundry service where people go, we can remove an extra trip to do the laundry. And if a families laundry can be done as a service, we can give that family back precious time to spend doing homework or other activities rather than watching a washing machine spin. Lastly, if we can make it affordable, then every family can have clean clothes.


So we started Loads of Time.



Loads of Time is a 501c3 non-profit with headquarter in Manchester, NH. Our mission is to provide cost-effective, convenient full-service wash/dry/fold laundry services at non-profit facilities to give families back precious time to do more important activities.

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